Tuesday, July 27, 2010

MyWorld Tuesday ~ Sun at last

We have had a cool, grey spring and summer to date.  You can count on one(maybe two) hands how many warm days we have had.
When the high tide and the sunshine arrive at the same time, swimming is the order of the day.
As we have shallow sandy beaches you wait for the tide to come in over the warmed sand which in turn warms the water, it also shorts the walk to the tide line.
Marley waits patiently while we swim.  With the warmer weather and water come jelly fish.  The small dollar size ones are not a problem but yesterday we encountered large egg looking jelly fish which have dangling, stinging tendalls.
As I was wading(I did go for a swim) into the water to take this photo I was stung on the ankle by one of these new comers to the beach.  A great swim despite the new visitor.  We are on day three of seven days of clear skies!!!
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Penelope Notes said...

Your water photos look inviting enough to jump into! Glad you enjoyed your swim despite a nasty sting. It’s also been dry and unusually sunny for several days here in the SW of BC.:)

Gaelyn said...

Nice to get in for a swim but I could do without stinging jelly fish.

Tabor said...

Sorry it looks like we had all your warm weather this summer. I would certainly have been happy to share...had I been able. We also get those sea nettles which can create quite the rash if you are not careful.

Anonymous said...

i know what it is like to have jellyfish in the warm months! I spent a decade in the tropics in Far North Queensland (Aust) and for 6 months of the year you cant swim because of the jellyfish, only these ones are the size of your thumbnail and they are deadly! We call them Irukandji (Aboriginal name) they are a cm cubed in size but have stingers trailing in the water that are up to 1 metre long!
Your weather looks beautiful compared to the foggy winter we are having. It looks like you had a fun day!

Anonymous said...

How beautiful! A perfect day for a walk on the beach and a swim in the water.

Judy said...

Marley sure looks happy about the swimming! I don't envy you the jellyfish!

ksdoolittle said...

I'm glad your water is warm enough to swim in. I dove in here off Cape Breton, and I think I must have walked on water getting out when I hit that cold, because I was standing back on shore in less than a minute!! ~karen

Quiet Paths said...

Simply heavenly place. Wish I were there...

Janie said...

Swimming and fetching in the ocean sure looks like fun. Be careful of the jellyfish, though.


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