Thursday, June 24, 2010

SkyWatch Friday ~ Some blue sky with our clouds!

Low tide in Queen Charlotte.
We are having a very, very wet spring and summer so far on Haida Gwaii. So when you get a sunny day everything stops and you get out and enjoy it! 
Jungle Beach on the east coast of Haida Gwaii.
All blue skies are best but we will take "some blue sky with our clouds"!
The beach is the best place to be these days as the "no-see-ums" are horrific!
For more beautiful skies from around the world why not join us at
 and remember you can click on any photo to enlarge. 
Also please remember to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle...the earth is depending on us.


Anonymous said...

Excellent big blue skies. Those beaches do look like the best place to be.

Linda said...

Glad you've had some respite from the rain. When I read that people were heading out to catch the blue skies I thought we might see crowds on your beaches, but they're as beautifully empty as always.

Sylvia K said...

Gorgeous blue skies and I love your beaches! Terrific captures for the day, Carolyn! Hope you have a great weekend! Enjoy!


Susan Ellis said...

Definitely looks like the whole place has been freshly laundered! Beautiful!

Tammie Lee said...

such a beautiful summer you are having!

Linnea said...

There's nothing more spectacular than blue skies in the PNW! Enjoy them. I hope your summer is filled with lots of sunshine. By the way, I love your header shot, too!

Regina said...

Wow great looking beach. Beautiful captures Carolyn.
Happy SWF.
" Regina "

LadyFi said...

What gorgeous blue skies. So peaceful.

BraCom said...

Beautiful SkyWatch photos

Have a nice weekend

EG CameraGirl said...

Hooray for blue skies when you have them!

I was just imagining myself standing on the shore of Haida Gwaii on such a beautiful day, breathing in the fresh salt air and drinking in the sun. Mmmm. What a great feeling!

Gaelyn said...

Beautiful blue skies with some clouds. I really like the jungle beach. Enjoy it while you can.

Gaelyn said...

Beautiful blue skies with some clouds. I really like the jungle beach. Enjoy it while you can.

Kay said...

So happy you've got some sunshine and blue skies. Wish I were there visiting my kids!

Janie said...

We get no-see-ums here, too.
Love the big beautiful blue sky.

Andree said...

Breathtaking photography of your home. I love it and hope to visit someday.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I'd love to go wander on those beaches, no-see-ums or not!

We don't have those little critters here ... but we do have mosquitos big enough to carry you into the woods and torture you for hours! Lol


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