Saturday, June 12, 2010

Weekend Reflections ~ Migration of birds and garbage

If you look very carefully you will see several long legged beauties in the low tide of the Yakoun Estuary.  Haida Gwaii is a stop over point on the western flyway for migratory birds.

Today we were treated to eight Sandhill Cranes!  Unfortunately I don't have a good zoom on my little point and shot but this wasn't bad.
And on the theme of migration this is what came up on last nights tide on our stretch of is never ending! 
(For those of you stopping by for the first time check previous posts for the daily beach garbage collection.)
For more lovely reflections why not join


penny said...

Nice shots of the migrating Sandhill Cranes. There are captivating to look at, aren't they.

Isn't it a shame that our waters have so much trash in them. It endangers not only the wildlife but also destroys the quality of the waters around the world.

Thanks for cleaning up!

eileeninmd said...

Love the Sandhill Cranes and the scenery. It is sad about the trash and I thank you for cleaning it up. The world would be a better place if it had more people like you.

Gaelyn said...

Love the composition on the first shot and the Sandhill Cranes are a treat.

Seems like a smaller pile of garbage this time. I truly think you should be making a sculpture with it to stand where all can see how people treat our oceans.

Anonymous said...

I have been looking back at your previous posts - I am captivated by the beauty you show - and dismayed and disgusted by the garbage you find. Thank you for what you do - by collecting this junk and removing it, you are helping. I don't live near a beach, but I can do my share WHERE I AM. Thank you for reminding me!

RedPat said...

What a place you live in! The cranes are wonderful but the garbage is terribly disheartening- the fact that there are people like you cleaning up gives one a little more hope that things could change for the better. Thank you.

Janie said...

The moss on the tree branches make a nice frame for the sandhill cranes.

Tania said...

Wonderful birds and so are your photos. Great reflection and frame in the first one.

namaki said...

I like picture n°1 ...

Regina said...

The cranes are fantastic. Great reflections. Such a wonderful place!
Thank you posting the cleaning part.
We also have problem with trash.
It really destroys our environment.

Regards and have a great day.

Kay said...

Beautiful photo of the cranes on the beach! So sad about all the garbage think that those gorgeous cranes might swallow some of the plastics makes me sick! Thankyou for cleaning it up Carolyn.


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