Sunday, October 30, 2011

Scenic Sunday ~ There are days when ...

 There are days when Mother Nature just takes your breath away!
(These were all taken on the same day!)
 for more breathtaking photos


Jeannelle said...

Very beautiful photo capture!

Jenn Jilks said...

How incredibly beautiful!!!! I've been sitting with my client most afternoons and haven't gotten outdoors much. Thank you for taking me there!

Al said...

Yes, there are days like that, and these extraordinary photos so clearly illustrate this.

Anonymous said...

You have just taken my breath away.

EG CameraGirl said...

What a gorgeous day it was! Love that rainbow shot. Absolutely fabulous, Carolyn!

hannah uk said...

So much beauty. You are spoilt, I tell you :-)
And then these darling strawberry leaves, all different colours and all rimed. { and yes, that is how you spell it; I just checked for the tenth time ]. Isn't that a bit early for frost?

Judy said...

What a magnificent day!!! My favourite shot is the strawberry plant with the frost on its leaves!! The balancing rock looks totally different with the water washing around its base!! And did I tell you how much I love your header, with your little cottage tucked safely in one corner?

Patricia Lichen said...

Oh, lovely, lovely! Living in suburbia just can't compare :o( !

Zandarmid Photography said...

Lovely series. The frosty leaves are gorgeous!


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