Saturday, October 01, 2011

SkyWatch Friday ~ Deceptive Beauty

C. Honisch
 Despite the beautiful sunsets, we continue to be battered by amazing storms. 
C. Honisch
On Haida Gwaii we experience some of the highest tides on the west coast.  Tides are influenced by the phases of the moon. The highest tides occur on the new moon and full moon.  The above sunset shots were taken from the sea bottom on the opposing low tides that accompany the extreme highs.
C. Honisch
This was the first time in 24 hours that the wind had settled enough to get near the beach on a 24' foot tide.  The danger of these high storm driven tides (besides the obvious!) is that they scour the beaches of protective logs that keep shorelines from eroding.
This is the same shoreline as above but before the storm.
This video was shot at high tide after 20 hours of 80 km winds.  This beach was scraped clean of logs.  Not sure why there is no sound which is unfortunate.
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Janie said...

The video really shows the power of the waves, Carolyn.
The pink in the sky and on the water is lovely, but so much wind and powerful tides must make it harder to enjoy the beauty.

Kateri said...

Very lovely, though scary to think about the power of those waves.

Mary Howell Cromer said...


Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Very well shown the power of nature.

Regards and best wishes

Linda said...

I hadn't realised that the logs were natural protection for the beach. Are they washed ashore or are they felled and taken there on purpose?

mrsnesbitt said...

Wow! I can just imagine Jon collecting the wood for the woodburner! lol! Nowhere to store however!

Powell River Books said...

Makes them look like little matchsticks. I know they are big and heavy. We've had high tides too, but no more high winds after last Monday. I get to go back home to Powell River on Wednesday for a full month. Can't wait! I miss it so much. Looks like you are getting lots of time at your cabin on the beach. - Margy

Anonymous said...

Wow. Your title says it all - deceptive beauty!!! I hope you get some respite from the storms soon, and can enjoy the autumn that has come upon us so suddenly!

Judy said...

Those sunsets sure are beautiful! It really must have been a high tide to move all those logs!

magda in queensland australia said...

Hello Carolyn,
Understand what you mean by the beauty being deceptive... yet it is so often true with Nature.

The tones of pink with the first photos create a beautiful scene.
Seeing the aftermath of the Ocean's need to reach further across the Land, as if having needed to escape the Storm's onslaught feels both sad and creatively beautiful.
Watching the Video... one can only feel awe of the Ocean I believe... what takes many hands hours to fulfil the Ocean's frothy hands takes seconds to undo.
Enjoyed my Visit, thank you, from Magda and Family in Australia

Quiet Paths said...

An amazingly beautiful post. These beaches remind me of those on the Olympic peninsula - so wild. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed your video.


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