I am visiting in Ontario but my home is Haida Gwaii an island 100 km off the west coast of Canada and tucked under the Alaska panhandle. My passion is geography and geology so the eruption of Mt. Redoubt in southcentral Alaska last week peaked my interest. Haida Gwaii has an ancient history of volcanic activity and it is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. Although we have no active volcanoes we have our share of earth quakes, the largest being 8.1 on the Ritcher scale in 1949.

Southcentral Alaska, Anchorage is at the head of Cook Inlet (AVO)
Like some people are storm chasers, I am an armchair volcano visitor! How they are created and their spectacular nature absolutely fascinate me. When Mt. St. Helen's blew the internet as we know it was in it's infancy so we were dependant on television coverage. Now everything you ever wanted to know is on the internet.

The crater of Mt. Redout pre-eruption, March 21, 2009 (AVO)
Having said this I take no credit for these wonderful photographs of the eruption of Mt. Redoubt. There is a wonderful website that has so much great information and photographs that I will just give you the website so you can investigate it for yourself. All photos and information are free to use as long as credit is given.
Alaska has more 130 volcanoes and volcanic fields with 50 of these volcanoes being active within recent time(1760). Although the direct threat to the human population of an eruption of these volcanoes is minimal volcanoes like Mt. Redoubt create millions of dollars in lost revenue to airlines who use the circumpolar route to Europe. Eighty thousand flights per year and 30,000 passengers a day traverse this potentially dangerous air space.
Ash cloud March 26, 2009 (Robert Cole, Penisula Airways Pilot)
In 1989 a Boeing 747 with 241 passengers on board and flying 240 miles north of Mt. Redoubt encountered an ash cloud from a recent eruption. The aircraft lost all four engines and plumetted 3000 metres (9810 feet) before the pilots could restart the engines and land safely. The 747 sustained $80 million damage.
The ash fallout can be harmful to human health causing closures of schools and businesses to reduce exposure to the ash. The ash eruptions also closed Anchorage airport, disrupting air traffic as far away as Texas. Lahars and lahar run-out flows have also been a source of concern for oil companies who have facilities on the coast as these flows risk damaging oil storage tanks.
Dust cloud over Homer Alaska, March 28, 2009(Dennis Anderson, Homer, AK)
For more information on the volcanoes of Alaska go to the Alaska Volcano Observatory.
To find out about more interesting places around the world go to
I've heard of the oil storage problem related to the eruption, but I didn't realize airline travel could be affected. Great photos.
Some site! Very out of the ordinary!
Volcanoes are very fascinating. An armchair seems the best place to be as long as its not at the bottom of the volcano.
fascinating is the word to describe volcanoes.
your photos are wonderful
Carolyn: What a neat place to show us from your world. It is a neat mountain for certain.
Excellent post as always Carolyn, Ii love the last one with the airplane.
Have a great week!
Regina In Pictures
Great photos of Mt. Redoubt. Thank for all this information.
From Now and Then.
Mary Elizabeth.
Thanks, great post. Kind of a volcano junky myself. Got hooked working at Mt St Helens.
A great post. Well put together with good information and lovely pictures to illustrate.
Our country is also located within the Ring of Fire. It's interesting to see Mt. Redout, its effect to the people and surroundings.
The reach of a volcano in terms of dust, etc., is amazing to me. The way our planet lets off a little steam is just plain awesome!
Wow! These pics are incredible. I love the one at night with the lightning.
The highlight of my honeymoon was a helicopter ride over Mt. Kiluea in Hawaii. We look right down into the boiling caldera. I had been afraid of the ride, but once I got up there and saw that amazing sight, all fear left me. I've been a volcano fan ever since.
Thanks for this. Wow!
A very interesting post. Thank you.
Annie from Australia visiting family in NYC.
Thanks for sharing this info and pictures. One of the other blogs that I follow tells of their daily life in Homer, AK. I have been reading about her life and have really enjoyed her blog http://livinginak.blogspot.com/ The fact that she moved there from my home state of MI is also part of how I got hooked on her blog. Thanks for stopping by my blog but sadly I don't think we will make it to watch them making maple syrup but we are definitely going to go next year. We visit here many times through out the year so I am always enjoying the beauty that it has to offer.
Nothing like the power of a volcano. You have done a very nice write up on this one!
I like your arm chair observing. One night I walked out to the active volcano in Hawaii. My tennis shoes were getting warm I looked down and through a crack in the lava was a river of orange red lava flowing under me (the ground)!Most likely not the smartest thing to do!
wow fascinating!
Amazing shots. Muskoka is a bit less...err..grand!
That is just crazily beautiful!!
Fascinating post... nature in all her fury.
enjoyed your post and learned something too.
thanks for sharing this with us.
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