Thursday, February 26, 2009

Continuing...without WiFi

We entered Winnipeg, Manitoba an hour ahead of schedule and to freezing temperatures. This is an area called The Forks, located where the Assiniboine River joins the Red River just before we enter the station. An historical gathering place but tonight the temperature was -40*C one was gathering! Winnipeg is Canada's coldest city!

We had a four hour layover and it had been hot and stuffy on the train so I went for a walk....brrrr. As I headed down to The Forks I encountered this beautiful ice sculpture of a castle, there was also an ice maze and ice frame where you could get photo taken in. These are part of the winter long activities at the Forks. Another piece of beautiful sculpture is Union Station, steeped in history and beautifully restored. Travelling this route I realized many of the old stations have been sold as railways divest themselves of passenger service and focus on freight. It was really sad to see the number of abandoned and derelict old stations along the route.
The ceiling inside the station. (Click on photo more detail).

Winnipeg, Manitoba is Mile "0" of the Yellowhead Highway which traverses the four western provinces of Canada ending at Mile"1845" (Km. 2960) at Masset BC on the north end of Haida Gwaii. It derives it name from the pass that it crosses going through the Canadian Rockies. The solid red line on this map is our train's route, the dotted line shows the western route of the Yellowhead Highway. VIA RAIL's train the Skeena covers this part of the highway and was the original route of the first railroad across Canada to the coast.

From Vancouver to Winnipeg across four provinces we have travelled 2457 km. We will travel 2217 km. through Ontario to Toronto!
For those asking about VIA RAIL rates please click the hyperlink. The rates are open to all travellers, Canadians or others!

1 comment:

CoyoteFe said...

I love trains! So much better than buses. Maybe, with the pursuit of high energy alternatives, trains will make a comeback? Is that wishing for too much?


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