At 7:30 a.m. PST this morning I am lying in bed listening to the news when the dog barks and a deep rumbling sound moves through the house. It is still dark out, a mobile hanging in my window starts to sway and hit the window and then there is a large crack and my bed starts to move back and forth. It continued for about 40 seconds and got stronger in intensity, to the point of me feeling nauses!

This was the first of two earthquake this morning. The first one registered 6.6 on the Ritcher Scale and seven minutes later there was an after shock of 5.7. Rather than me trying to explain
the Ritcher Scale you can read about it here on Wikipedia.
the Ritcher Scale you can read about it here on Wikipedia.
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Wow, any damage?
I must listen to the news more often.
Carolyn, you're the first person I thought of when I heard about the quakes.
I'm glad to see that you're ok. :-)
Was the large crack your window breaking?
What a rude awakening! I'm glad you're okay and I hope there wasn't too much damage.
So glad to hear that everybody is safe :)
Just heard about the quake on CBC...once had one in Ottawa, and when it was over, neighbours up and down the block left their homes and came outside to just feel the earth beneath their feet...glad there was no one hurt today.
I also read about on CBC and came here first thing. Glad to hear you're OK, if not a little shaken!
Wow, was it scary, or more scary afterwards when you thought about it??
Wow nice post !!Very informative !!Unseen Rajasthan
That's scary, the last time we had a minor quake here I thought the furnace in the cellar was going to explode,... it was just the quake. Hope everything in your home is ok!
Well that's quite a wake-up call. No news of it here of course - just 'flood warnings for parts of the UK'. What was it that cracked?
wow that must have been frightening?
Gill in Southern Ontario.
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